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Accelerate your cloud native Java development with Spring

Spring makes microservices quick and easy for Java developers, all using an Apache 2.0 license.

Learn about Spring and Tanzu Read the solution brief


Code with confidence. Spring’s open programming model is used by millions of developers worldwide. For the last 20 years, Spring has powered some of the world’s most demanding, mission-critical enterprise and consumer-scale workloads.

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Build anything with Spring Boot

Spring Boot is designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, with minimal configuration. Spring Boot’s opinionated take on production-ready applications makes implementing modern best practices intuitive and easy! Build microservices with REST, WebSocket, Messaging, Reactive, Data, Integration and Batch capabilities through a simple and consistent development experience.

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Coordinate anything with Spring Cloud

Building on Spring Boot’s innovative approach, Spring Cloud simplifies microservice architecture by offering proven, ready-made capabilities for resilience, reliability and coordination. With Spring Cloud Services in Solutions Hub, developers can have a self-service, secure solution for production microservices, including service registry, config server and more.

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Connect anything with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Connect the enterprise to the Internet of Anything: mobile devices, sensors, wearables, automobiles and more. Spring Cloud Data Flow provides a super scalable microservice-based Streaming and Batch data processing toolkit for both Tanzu and Kubernetes.

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Secure anything with Spring Security

Spring Security provides deep authentication and authorization capabilities, making it easy to embed in your microservice regardless of Java web server choice. Give your microservice built-in protection against top OWASP security risks, and streamline integration with existing security using SAML, OAuth and LDAP.

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Spring Boot icon

Build anything with Spring Boot

Spring Boot makes it easy to create self-contained, production-grade, 12-Factor applications that you can “just run.”

Laptop with screenshot of Spring Initializr

Get started in seconds using Spring Initializr, CLI, or your favorite IDE

Autoconfigure and embed Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow

Automated dependency management

Code with zero to little configuration

Executable jars are ready-made for Tanzu, Kubernetes, or DevOps

Developer-friendly tooling (such as auto-restart, SSH and live reload)

Production-ready features such as micrometer, tracing, metrics and health status

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Spring Cloud icon

Coordinate anything with Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud offers a simple and accessible programming model to build resilient, reliable and coordinated applications.

Service Registry

A dynamic service directory that enables client-side load balancing and smart routing


Build highly scalable, event-driven microservices with Kafka, Kafka Streams, Azure Event Hubs, RabbitMQ and more

Circuit Breaker

Microservice fault tolerance

Configuration Server

Dynamic, versioned propagation of configuration across lifecycle states without the need to restart your application

OAuth2 Patterns

Support for single sign-on, token relay and token exchange

Lightweight API Gateway

Single entry point for API consumers (e.g. browsers, devices and other APIs)

Spring Cloud Services

Turnkey Spring Cloud microservice patterns.

Spring Cloud Kubernetes

Surfaces Kubernetes features (such as service discovery) using regular Spring APIs that developers already know—and love.

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Spring Cloud Data Flow screenshot
Spring Cloud Data Flow icon

Connect anything with Spring Cloud Data Flow

Spring Cloud Data Flow is a microservice-based Streaming and Batch data processing toolkit for Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.

Develop and test data integration microservices that do one thing, and do it well!

Build streaming and batch applications using Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Task. Choose from several programming model choices: Channels, Java™ 8 Functional and Kafka Streams.

Use Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Google PubSub, Azure Event Hubs, Solace PubSub+, RocketMQ, or NATS as the message binders for streaming applications.

Select from over 60 prebuilt applications to kickstart the solution for your use case.

Upgrade and rollback streaming data pipelines with zero downtime and no data loss.

Use the Dashboard to manage the execution of Batch Jobs.

Integrate batch jobs with cron-job schedulers in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.

Standardize on OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for secure authentication and authorization controls over data pipelines.

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Secure anything with Spring Security

Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework. It’s the de facto standard for securing Spring-based applications and is fully supported by Spring Boot.

Protection from top OWASP attacks like session fixation, clickjacking and cross-site request forgery

OAuth 2 Support: OIDC support, client support and resource server support

SAML 2.0 Support: Extension integrates products supporting SAML 2.0 in Identity Provider mode (ADFS, Okta, Shibboleth, OpenAM, Efecte EIM or Ping Federate)

Integration with Spring Data for fine-grained authorization control

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Celebrating 20 years of Spring



Rod Johnson delivers an early cut of the framework along with his design and development book



Open source project on SourceForge with code from Juergen Hoeller



Spring Framework 1.0 GA



Spring Framework 2.0: XML, namespaces, AspectJ support



Spring Security,
Spring Batch,
Spring Integration



Spring Framework 3.0: Java 5 baseline, configuration classes



Spring Data repositories



Spring Framework 4.0: lambdas, WebSocket, Spring Boot launch



Spring Boot 1.0 GA



Spring Cloud



Microsoft collaboration with Azure Spring Apps



Spring Framework 5.0: Java 8 baseline, WebFlux for reactive web apps



Spring Boot 2.0
Spring Framework 5: WebFlux, new actuator architecture



Spring Framework 6.0: Java 17 baseline, AOT
Spring Boot 3.0: observability and native complications with GraalVM and AOT processing, Jakarta EE



Spring Boot 3.1.0
Spring Academy
Spring Consulting